Results 25 – 32 of 1841 matches
Description: ILBF logo
Description: Katrina Crossley - author
Katrina Crossley (view page)
on Apr 2024
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Katrina Crossley explains how donating unwanted legal textbooks can boost advocacy training in...
Description: Pro-choice rally_Pexels_Derek French
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Mar 2024
News and comment
Amid the increasing investigation, prosecution and criminalisation of abortion, a way forward was...
Description: Keir Starmer The Biography front cover
Description: Fiona Bawdon - author
Fiona Bawdon (view page)
on Mar 2024
News and comment
What does Keir Starmer’s new biography reveal about the impact of his human rights barrister...
Description: APPG on Access to Justice
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Mar 2024
News and comment
Domestic abuse victims will be able to use a streamlined process to obtain protection orders, if a...
Description: People_Pexels_Ingo Joseph
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Mar 2024
News and comment
The Public Understanding of Law Survey, led by the Victoria Law Foundation research team, seeks to...
Description: IWD24 Equal to Everything offer
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Mar 2024
News and comment
This International Women's Day, share the inspirational story of Lady Hale, the first ever female...
Description: Jan Luba KC in 2024
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Feb 2024
News and comment
HHJ Luba KC's valedictory will take place on 21 March 2024