Results 209 – 216 of 1841 matches
Description: pexels-pixabay-163064
Description: Sue James - author
Sue James (view page)
on Apr 2021
News and comment
People don’t turn up to advice services with a neatly packaged legal issue; their problems are...
Description: Lady Justice close up (Hermann Traub_Pixabay)
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Apr 2021
News and comment
Many of the convicted workers had served prison sentences, others had lost their jobs and their...
Description: News and Comment
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Apr 2021
News and comment
Deighton Pierce Glynn, acting behalf of an asylum-seeking woman, has brought a claim for negligence,...
Description: Belfast at night (neico_89 images_pixabay)
Description: Les Allamby - author
Les Allamby (view page)
on Apr 2021
News and comment
The NIHRC’s judicial review on abortion services is to be heard over two days, commencing on...
Description: Nony Ardill
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Apr 2021
News and comment
It was with great sadness that LAG learned of the death of Nony Ardill in April.
Description: Handcuffs (Klaus Hausmann_Pixabay)
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Apr 2021
News and comment
‘There’s got to be some levelling up,’ the former chief constable of Merseyside...
Description: Legal Action logo
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Mar 2021
News and comment
What's in the current issue of Legal Action