Authors:Legal Action Group
Last updated:2024-09-27
West London MP Andy Slaughter to head Justice Committee
Marc Bloomfield
Description: Andy Slaughter MP
The well-liked Labour MP Andy Slaughter has been elected chair of the House of Commons Justice Committee.
A former housing barrister, Slaughter has been an MP in west London since 2005. He has previously served as the shadow minister for justice, for human rights and for housing.
Slaughter has been a supporter of Hammersmith & Fulham Law Centre (HFLC) for more than 30 years, first as a trustee and now as patron, and regularly attends legal aid events.
Sue James, LAG CEO and a former housing solicitor at HFLC, said: ‘I am delighted Andy has been appointed as chair. He is a committed and passionate advocate of access to justice and, through his previous appointments and his work with the law centre, understands the crisis in the justice system and the change that is needed.’