Authors:Vicky Ling
Last updated:2023-09-18
CCMS - don't give up - report
Resolution, the Law Society and LAPG have spent many hours in meetings with the LAA, trying to secure improvements to CCMS (the LAA's civil certificate client and cost management system). The LAA believes the system is functioning adequately but we hear that many practitioners encounter problems. Some simply despair and cannot face adding yet more unbillable time to their day by reporting the problems to the helpdesk. We also know that a significant number have decided to wait until the system becomes mandatory next year. Unfortunately, unless the LAA has evidence that the system isn't working effectively, they will be able to press ahead. Resolution and LAPG are urging their members to report all problems, at least during November, so the LAA gets a more accurate picture. They would also appreciate feedback to Resolution  or LAPG.