Results 105 – 112 of 1841 matches
Description: Stephen Knafler QC
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Dec 2022
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Brigesa Ujkaj has been named as the first recipient of the Stephen Knafler QC Scholarship.
Description: Nanette Watson
Greg Powell
on Dec 2022
News and comment
Nanette Watson, who died after a short illness, was an incredibly well-respected solicitor acting in...
Description: Lady Justice close up (Hermann Traub_Pixabay)
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Nov 2022
News and comment
The committee noted that while digitisation of the courts and media have had positive outcomes,...
Description: Homelessness Amongst Black and Minoritised Ethnic Communities front cover
Description: Suzanne Fitzpatrick - author
Suzanne Fitzpatrick (view page)
on Nov 2022
News and comment
A new report from Heriot-Watt University demonstrates extreme ethnic disparities in homelessness...
Description: Police station cropped Librios
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Nov 2022
News and comment
HMICFRS concluded that a culture of misogyny, sexism and predatory behaviour exists towards female...
Description: Parliament (sedmak iStock)
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Nov 2022
News and comment
Dominic Raab and Suella Braverman have been reappointed to their roles as justice secretary and home...