Results 1441 – 1448 of 1847 matches
Description: News and Comment
Description: Ellie Palmer
Ellie Palmer (view page)
Description: Laura Wrixon
Laura Wrixon (view page)
on Apr 2013
News and comment
Ellie Palmer and Laura Wrixon of the Law School at the University of Essex write the first of four...
Description: News and Comment
Description: Roger Smith - author
Roger Smith (view page)
on Apr 2013
News and comment
Roger Smith, former director of both LAG and JUSTICE, discusses whether or not, post implementation...
Description: News and Comment
Matthew Coates
on Apr 2013
News and comment
Legal aid continues to play an important part in the overall justice system. The new Legal Aid...
Description: News and Comment
Description: Lord Low
Lord Low (view page)
Description: Richard Gutch
Richard Gutch (view page)
on Apr 2013
News and comment
The Low Commission on the Future of Advice and Legal Support was launched in December 2012...
Description: News and Comment
Description: Fiona Bawdon - author
Fiona Bawdon (view page)
on Apr 2013
News and comment