Last updated:2023-09-18
Public Interest Lawyers to close as contract terminated
The firm Public Interest Lawyers (PIL) has been forced to close after it lost its legal aid contract. In a statement published on its website last month, the Legal Aid Agency (LAA) had announced the termination of its contract with PIL. According to the LAA, PIL was in breach of its ‘contractual requirements’.
Legal Action understands that the ending of the firm’s legal aid contract is linked to the investigation into PIL by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), which has led to the referral of complaints against the firm to a solicitors disciplinary tribunal (SDT). No details about the complaints have been made public as Phil Shiner (pictured), the solicitor who founded the firm, was successful in his application for the SDT hearing to be held in private. There is much speculation that the SRA action had been prompted by the Al-Sweady inquiry into the claims of mistreatment made by Iraqis. Over the years, PIL has attracted criticism from some sections of the media due to its work in bringing cases against British soldiers over allegations of abuse of Iraqi nationals.
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‘With hindsight, it seems Shiner got it spectacularly wrong when he pursued these cases, but the allegations needed investigating,’ LAG’s director, Steve Hynes, commented. ‘The journalists and others rushing to condemn Shiner would be best advised to remain silent and let the investigation by the SRA and the SDT hearing run their course.’
Legal Action contacted PIL for comment prior to its closure, but was told by a spokesperson that the firm currently had nothing to add to the LAA’s statement.