Last updated:2023-09-18
Tender amended
The LSC have amended the Information for Applicants for the face to face civil tender. The selection criteria, in Annex A of the IFA, previously required a full time equivalent supervisor at each office from which you proposed to tender; now, that requirement is at organisation not office level, though you must still maintain the 1:4 ratio at each office. The revised version of the ITT can be found here. The selection criteria now are: Family
Permanent presence in the procurement area
As an organisation, have a full-time equivalent supervisor
At each office, meet the 1:4 supervision ratio
Plus, to tender for more than 60 matter starts, have an accredited domestic violence specialist working at least 2.5 days per week from the office tendered from (this means someone who is on Law Society Advanced Family Panel and has done the violence in the home module, or someone who is a Resolution Accredited Specialist in domestic abuse). Housing
Permanent presence in the procurement area
As an organisation, have a full-time equivalent supervisor
At each office, meet the 1:4 supervision ratio
Employ an authorised litigator for at least 17.5 hours per week and available to each office Immigration
Permanent presence in the procurement area
As an organisation, have a full-time equivalent supervisor
At each office, meet the 1:4 supervision ratio
All caseworkers must be accredited
At least 1 level 2 (or 3) caseworker for every 2 level 1 caseworkers
Plus, to tender for more than 100 matter starts
Have one full-time equivalent caseworker for every 150 matter starts
In London, have a level 3 caseworker working at least 17.5 hours per week from the office tendered from