Last updated:2023-09-18
Low Commission calls for £100m for social welfare law
After a year long enquiry, the Low Commission has published its report on social welfare law advice and support. You can download the report here. It calls for a national strategy for advice and legal support as the current approach is failing the poorest and most vulnerable. Crucially, it has identified that £100m funding is needed, half from central government and the other half from other sources, including payday loan companies. The report also calls for:
A cross-departmental ministerial post to oversee the implementation of an advice and support strategy
Restoration of legal aid for housing cases so that people do not have to wait until eviction is imminent
Urgent reform of the exceptional case provisions under section 10 of LASPO, as they are clearly failing to provide a safety net We hope that the report will be studied by all political parties as they consider their policy positions in the run up to the next Westminster elections.