Last updated:2023-09-18
Pat's back
Housing surveyor Pat Reddin is back at work!   As I explained in an earlier blog about Pat Reddin, the 'go to' surveyor for tenants and social landlords since the early 1970s, he was diagnosed with a brain tumour last year and, earlier this, underwent surgery which had left him out of action since.   As foreshadowed in that blog, Pat has continued to make a terrific recovery and is now back at work. In a letter to clients, he has explained that he had a while ago (before the condition was diagnosed) begun to appreciate that age was catching up with him, which would increasingly affect those aspects of his work that required agile mobility; he has now had talks with two former colleagues whom many will know, Wyn Burgess and Angus Moss, to do his site visits for him on a consultancy basis.   In terms of expert work, this will mean that he will still prepare a report and attend court if required, based on their inspections. Reports would be signed by both the site visitor and Pat (though clients will not be paying more than if the whole task was carried out by just one person). He recognises that this will mean charging public funding rates for assisted parties - but then he always has and it hasn’t let it stop him yet!   He is also available for the usual range of other work through which he has been subsidising his publicly funded practice for many years and is hoping that the new arrangement will allow him not only to continue to offer the same services as he has for many years but to expand the range of his work, to the same standard for which he has a well-earned reputation.   His client letter thanks everyone who has stuck by him through what has been a truly horrible year. As he says, we cannot imagine what it has meant.