Results 929 – 936 of 1847 matches
Description: News and Comment
Description: Deena Blacking
Deena Blacking (view page)
on May 2015
News and comment
What do the main political parties have to offer a first-time voter, who is an aspiring legal aid...
Description: News and Comment
Description: Vicky Ling - author
Vicky Ling (view page)
on May 2015
News and comment
The Legal Aid agency has numerous audit and validation processes, and the consequences of failing...
Description: News and Comment
Description: Sue Lukes
Sue Lukes (view page)
on May 2015
News and comment
The success of the residence test judicial review was widely applauded by legal aid lawyers. What is...
Description: News and Comment
Description: Vicky Ling - author
Vicky Ling (view page)
on Apr 2015
News and comment