Results 169 – 176 of 1841 matches
Description: Central London Criminal Court and skyline (TheOtherKey_Pixabay)
Description: Rohini Jana - author
Rohini Teather (view page)
on Jan 2022
News and comment
Will CLAR bring with it a new dawn for criminal legal aid?
Description: Housing1
Description: Simon Mullings - author
Simon Mullings (view page)
on Jan 2022
News and comment
The consultation on the Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme has recently closed. Simon Mullings...
Description: YLAL logo web
on Dec 2021
News and comment
The scheme will support those working within the sector as advice workers, case workers and...
Description: Law Centres Network logo
Description: Nimrod Ben-Cnaan - author
Nimrod Ben-Cnaan (view page)
on Nov 2021
News and comment
Nimrod Ben-Cnaan raises some of the Law Centres Network’s concerns with the recent call for...
Description: Professor Leslie Thomas QC
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Nov 2021
News and comment
Leslie is a leading and respected voice on inquests, and has written and trained for LAG for many...
Description: Lady Justice close up (Hermann Traub_Pixabay)
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Nov 2021
News and comment
The PHSO has made a finding of maladministration against the Legal Aid Agency.