265 - 276 of 2513 articles
Description: Andrew Phillips in 2017

LAG was very sorry to learn of the death of one of its co-founders and first chair, Andrew Phillips, Lord Phillips of Sudbury OBE, on 9 April 2023 at...

Description: Housing cropped Librios

Liz Davies KC and Marina Sergides examine the strengths and weaknesses of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 and the Istanbul Convention in a housing...

Description: Renters Reform Coalition logo

In the midst of the renting crisis currently affecting most of Britain, the Renters Reform Coalition organised and hosted a Renters’ Day of...

Description: Parliament (sedmak iStock)

Alex Chalk KC became lord chancellor and justice secretary following Dominic Raab’s resignation on 21 April 2023.

Description: HLPA logo

For those of us representing tenants, the long-awaited Renters’ Reform Bill is genuine progress but there is concern about whether it will go...

Description: Legal aid cropped Librios

The Law Society has updated its heat maps showing shortages of legal aid provision and launched a project to ‘meet challenges in our justice...

Legal aid
Description: Lady Justice close up (Hermann Traub_Pixabay)

Roger Smith and Nic Madge summarise their proposals for a National Legal Service to replace the ailing legal aid scheme.

Legal aid
Description: Lady Justice close up (Hermann Traub_Pixabay)

Policies on legal aid and access to justice have, unsurprisingly, drifted under the rapid succession of the MoJ's top leadership.

Legal aid
Description: Police station cropped Librios

The latest important policy and legislation, and cases on arrest and detention, and electronic data.

Criminal law
Description: Social security cropped Librios

Recent case law developments in both means-tested and non-means-tested benefits.

Family and children
Description: Social security cropped Librios

Important decisions on child benefit, disability living allowance, housing benefit, industrial injuries, jobseeker’s allowance, personal...

Community care
Description: Richard Hazell_Wiltshire Law Centre

Wiltshire Law Centre bids a fond farewell to senior solicitor Richard Hazell, one of its founder members.
