37 - 48 of 2513 articles
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Catherine Casserley and Laura Redman round up important discrimination law cases covering religion and belief, disability, employment, and harassment.

Employment and discrimination
Description: Housing in London_Pexels_ Huy Phan

Dave Cowan rounds up the past year’s important policy, guidance, reports and cases relating to owner-occupation.

Description: YLAL logo web

We are still hopeful (perhaps naively so) that the body of evidence submitted to the Review of Civil Legal Aid will, at some point, come good....

Legal aid
Description: Globe_Pexels_Lara Jameson

Sasha Rozansky, Gimhani Eriyagolla, Lilly Barritt and Mark Rogers round up important law, policy and research developments, and cases on asylum...

Immigration and asylum
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Daniel Machover, Laura Profumo and Professor Leslie Thomas KC look at resources for inquests practitioners and round up important cases on effective...

Civil justice
Description: Mental health_Tumisu_Pixabay

Jonathan Wilson considers mental health case law from the past year relating to aftercare, appropriate medical treatment, remote assessments,...

Mental health
Description: Files Pixabay_Pexels

Vicky Ling discusses how these act as an insurance policy for your legal aid contract.

Legal aid
Description: Desert island

Ollie Persey on why a 1721 ‘David and Goliath’ dispute between a chimney sweep’s boy and a wealthy silversmith still strikes a chord...

Civil justice
Description: Housing_Mike Bird_Pexels

In the week that the prime minister, Rishi Sunak, informed us that he had found 25 courtrooms to process Rwanda asylum claims, parliament was told...

Description: Handcuffs qimono_pixabay green

​Barristers doing youth justice work need not only specialist legal knowledge, but also to be willing to win young clients’ trust and...

Criminal law
Description: Money_Pexels_Alaur Rahman

A Merseyside solicitor who has won two appeals against LAA funding assessments in six months says more firms should be more willing to challenge the...

Legal aid
Description: LALY24 logo

Finalists in this year’s Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year awards will be announced by Legal Aid Practitioners Group in May 2024.

Legal aid