505 - 516 of 2513 articles
Description: Immigration cropped Librios

An analysis of recent immigration case law, covering medical/destitution cases; revocation of protection status; long residence and lawful residence;...

Immigration and asylum
Description: COP Logo cropped Librios

Ongoing delays to the implementation of the liberty protection safeguards and cases on capacity, personal welfare deputies, whether P’s carers...

Mental health
Description: Housing cropped Librios

Housing law news and legislation, and cases on possession claims, unlawful eviction, injunctions/anti-social behaviour/discrimination, service...

Description: Social security cropped Librios

Real-world examples of exceptional case funding for appeals in both the First-tier and Upper Tribunals.

Community care
Description: UKRI ESRC

A new report offers a rapid evaluation of the effectiveness of the court system’s response to the pandemic.

Description: Parliament (sedmak iStock)

The fight against the bill isn’t over, but the government’s recent defeats demonstrate what can be achieved through sustained and...

Civil justice
Description: Immigration cropped Librios

A summary of important points raised by the inquest into the death of asylum-seeker Mustafa Dawood.

Immigration and asylum
Description: Central London Criminal Court and skyline (TheOtherKey_Pixabay)

Will CLAR bring with it a new dawn for criminal legal aid?

Legal aid
Description: Housing1

The consultation on the Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme has recently closed. Simon Mullings analyses a key proposal to offer early legal advice...

Description: Colston statute_PA Images Alamy Stock Photo

The reaction to the Colston Four verdict among some was surprising and hysterical.

Civil justice
Description: PLP logo

IAs are often not playing their intended role in the formation of legislative policy so the quality of the laws we get, and have to live by, is likely...

Legal aid
Description: YLAL logo web

The scheme will support those working within the sector as advice workers, case workers and paralegals to qualify as solicitors.

Legal aid