601 - 612 of 2513 articles
Description: Social security cropped Librios

The past year’s key developments in housing benefit and universal credit housing costs policy, legislation and case law as they relate to...

Description: Practice and procedure cropped Librios

Practical guidance on applying for anonymity orders in domestic violence-related housing cases.

Description: Immigration cropped Librios

Important cases on deprivation appeals, fees for registration as British citizens, statelessness, parliamentary privilege, what constitutes a refusal...

Immigration and asylum
Description: COP Logo cropped Librios

Cases on capacity, withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment, and discharging a parent of P as a party to the proceedings.

Mental health
Description: Housing cropped Librios

Housing law news and legislation, and cases on possession claims, unlawful eviction/committal, injunctions, banning orders, service charges, and...

Description: Public law cropped Librios

The Independent Review of Administrative Law report, recent changes to Civil Procedure Rules Part 54 and cases on costs, relief, standing and...

Practice and procedure
Description: Raggi Kotak image 2

Sue James speaks to the irrepressible Raggi Kotak about what drew her to the law, going back to chambers after time away, and what gives her hope for...

Community care
Description: Parliament (sedmak iStock)

Session covered a range of subjects including the funding of the justice system.

Civil justice
Description: Employment cropped Librios

The Employment Appeal Tribunal handed down judgment in Forstater in June.

Employment and discrimination
Description: Practice management cropped Librios

Some approaches to setting targets.

Legal aid
Description: HLPA logo

The term ‘eviction ban’ was not of the government’s making, but it sits alongside many other examples of the problematic...

Description: PLP logo

Benefit sanctions are disastrous for mental health, put people into debt, and there is little evidence that they work.

Community care