625 - 636 of 2513 articles
Description: YLAL logo web

During our time as YLAL interim co-chairs, we hope to instigate a period of R&R²: reflection, reconnection and radical reimagining of the...

Legal aid
Description: LALYs logo

Despite a challenging and tumultuous year, the commitment of legal aid lawyers to securing justice for their clients has been unwavering, as this...

Legal aid
Description: Parliament (sedmak iStock)

The background briefing notes to the Queen’s speech suggest a great deal of building – but unfortunately not in relation to safe, secure,...

Community care
Description: Lady Justice close up (Hermann Traub_Pixabay)

The independence and fairness of our justice system are under constant attack from the executive branch of the government.

Criminal law
Description: Lady Justice close up (Hermann Traub_Pixabay)

A discussion of two cases where the LAA’s response to applications for public funding suggests that its default position is to turn them down.

Legal aid
Description: The AIRE Centre logo

The AIRE Centre is very concerned about a little discussed aspect of the provisions of the EU Settlement Scheme which means that continuity of...

Immigration and asylum
Description: CSLS Oxford University logo

‘Enhancing Democratic Habits: an oral history of the Law Centres movement’ seeks to capture the experiences of Law Centre workers and...

Legal aid
Description: Nony Ardill

A tribute to the life of Nony Ardill by Diane Astin

Description: Housing cropped Librios

Changes and developments in policy, legislation and case law relating to owner occupation.

Description: Education cropped Librios

Angela Jackman QC (Hon) and Eleanor Wright look at recent important law and guidance, and cases on special educational needs, human rights and...

Community care
Description: Immigration cropped Librios

A summary of the extensive changes to the Immigration Rules that came into force on 1 December 2020.

Immigration and asylum
Description: Discrimination cropped Librios

Catherine Casserley and Douglas Johnson set out the latest legislation, guidance and cases.

Employment and discrimination