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R (Catt) v Association of Chief Police Officers of England, Wales and Northern Ireland and others
[2015] UKSC 9, [2015] AC 1065
29.64R (Catt) v Association of Chief Police Officers of England, Wales and Northern Ireland and others [2015] UKSC 9, [2015] AC 1065
It was proportionate for the police to retain certain personal information for crime enforcement purposes
Facts: the police kept information on their database about persons who had been involved in demonstrations against a commercial arms manufacturer, although there was no evidence that such persons had acted in breach of the criminal law and the police also kept copies, for seven years, subject to review, of letters written to individuals warning them that their conduct might amount to criminal harassment.
Judgment: the Supreme Court (Neuberger, Hale, Mance, Sumption and Toulson JJSC) held that, on both cases, retention of the information was proportionate in the light of the policing objectives pursued.
R (Catt) v Association of Chief Police Officers of England, Wales and Northern Ireland and others
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