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Actual bodily harm
Asylum and Immigration Tribunal
Asylum Screening Unit
Bankers’ Automated Clearing Service
Best value tendering
Criminal Bills Assessment Manual
Client and Contract Management System
Criminal Cases Review Commission
Complex Crime Unit
Criminal Defence Service
Conditional Fee Agreement
Chartered Legal Executive
Community legal advice
Community Legal Advice Centre
Community Legal Advice Network
Controlled legal representation
Community Legal Service
Community Legal Service partnerships
Contract Management Review Criteria
Consolidated matter report form
Case management review hearing
DSA 2001
Duty Solicitor Arrangements
Defence Solicitor Call Centre
Department of Works and Pensions
European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Employment and Support Allowance
Frequently asked questions
Graduated fee
Graduated Fee Scheme
Her Majesty’s Courts & Tribunals Service
Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs
Hourly rates
Immigration and Asylum Accreditation Scheme
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Independent Funding Adjudicator
Key performance indicator
Legal Aid Agency
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012
Legal Services Commission
Mental Health Review Tribunal
Memorandum of understanding
Multi-party actions
Non-asylum matter
National Asylum Support Service
Not for profit
Open financial statement
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
Payment on account
Point of principle of general importance
Quality Mark
Quality Mark for the Bar
Recovery of Defence Costs Order
Really simple syndication
Self-Assessment Audit Checklist
Special Cases Unit
Subject matter of dispute
Standard monthly payment
Specialist Quality Mark
Social welfare law
Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children
Unique file number
Very high cost case
Advice and Assistance
Funding for advice short of representation in criminal cases, granted by the provider under contract with the LAA.
Client and Contract Management System – online portal to submit applications, amendments and claims to the LAA for civil and family licensed work.
Consolidated Matter Report Form, the monthly Civil Contract claim submitted to the LAA online.
Community Legal Service
Holistic provision of civil legal advice and representation under the Access to Justice Act 1999. Concept and branding abolished under LASPO Act.
Contract Compliance Audit
An audit assessing whether, based on a sample of files, an organisation is complying with the requirements of civil or criminal contracts.
Contract Manager
Official of the LAA with responsibility for managing the contractual relationship between the two parties.
Contract Manager Visit
See Financial Stewardship audit.
Controlled Legal Representation
Representation before the Mental Health Review Tribunal, or in the Immigration Appellate Authority, granted by the provider under contract with the LAA.
Contract Liaison Manager
A member of the organisation’s staff designated as the person responsible for quality and contract compliance and the main point of contact for the LAA. This role was previously known as the Quality Representative or Franchise Representative.
Corrective Action
Action agreed with an LAA auditor to rectify a breach of a QM or contract requirement.
Criminal Defence Service
Provision of Criminal defence advice and representation funded under the Access to Justice Act 1999. Concept and branding abolished under LASPO.
Delegated Function
Delegated by the LAA’s Director of Casework to practitioners. See Devolved Power.
Devolved Power
A power (eg to grant a Representation Certificate) that could be exercised on the LSC’s behalf by the provider in certain defined circumstances.Known as a ‘delegated function’ under LASPO.
Escape fee case
Case which would normally be paid by way of fixed fee; but which escapes because the time and item value exceeds a set ratio (the exact ratios differ depending on the scheme).
Exceptional and Complex Cases Unit
Department of the LAA, dealing with individual case contracts in high cost civil cases.
Exceptional case
Previous name under the Access to Justice Act 1999 for an escape fee case. See also below.
Exceptional case funding
Case which would normally be outside the scope of LASPO, but is eligible for funding under section 10, because failure to do so would breach the client’s human rights (or would be likely to do so).
Financial Stewardship audit
Type of audit conducted by a Contract Manager on a provider’s premises, focussing on financial issues. Also referred to as ‘Contract Manager Visit’ from 2011.
Franchise Representative
See Contract Liaison Manager.
Funding Code
The criteria by which the LAA decided whether to grant all levels of civil funding under the Access to Justice Act 1999. Preserved only for cases existing as at 31 March 2013.
Help at Court
An adjunct to Legal Help, which allows representation at particular hearings in defined cases.
Individual Case Contract
A separate contract between the LAA and a provider on a particular case, usually because of high costs.
Inter partes costs
Costs agreed between the parties when cases are settled between them rather than by Court Order. The rates are higher than Legal Aid rates.
Legal Aid
Legal advice and representation funded by the central government through the LAA and the Courts.
Legal Help
Advice short of representation, granted by the provider under contract with the LAA
Licensed Work
Civil representation certificates – funding granted by the LAA or under delegated functions by providers.
Matter Start
Also known as a ‘new matter start’ or NMS, a Matter start is a case started under Legal Help, Help with Mediation or Controlled Legal Representation and Family Help Lower (Public Law) where there has been no previous Legal Help.
McKenzie Adviser
A person who is present at a hearing to advise and assist, but not represent, a party.
Operational Assurance
Department of the LAA, which carries out data analysis and audits to support Contract Managers. Previously known as Provider Assurance.
Prior Authority
A certificate that the LAA considers a disbursement to be reasonable, and therefore that the costs will be paid at the end of the case. May also allow a payment on account.
Peer review
An assessment of the quality of legal work carried out by independent lawyers working under contract with the LAA.
Pro bono
Free legal advice and/or representation.
Procurement area
Geographical area covered by a contract with the LAA, usually based on a top tier local authority area.
Term used by the LAA to describe any type of organisation with which it has a contract to deliver services.
Public Defender Service
Solicitors employed by the LAA to do criminal work, in competition with private practice. Four offices in England and Wales.
Quality Concern
A failure to meet a requirement of a Quality Mark. Critical Concerns are more serious than General Concerns. The organisation will be required to put corrective action in place, or in particularly serious cases, will be at risk of contract termination.
Quality Mark
An accreditation scheme regulating conduct and quality of legal services. Providers of legal services must hold a Specialist Quality Mark (awarded by the LAA) or Lexcel (awarded by the Law Society) in order to be eligible to hold a contract. Providers of mediation must hold the Mediation Quality Mark. Compliance may be audited by the LAA or their authorised contractor, Recognising Excellence (from April 2017).
Quality Representative
See Contract Liaison Manager.
Regional Office
Historically, an office of the LAA dealing with all funding and local policy matters within its region. Following restructuring, Regional offices act as a base for staff and may have some processing functions.
Representation Certificate
Funding for representation in civil and family cases, granted by the LAA or in emergencies by the provider.
Representation Order
Funding for representation in criminal cases, granted by the courts.
Schedule payment limit
The total amount payable to an organisation under a contract.
Special Cases Unit
Former name. See Exceptional and Complex Cases Unit.
Specialist Quality Mark
See Quality Mark.
Standard monthly payment
The monthly payment to an organisation under contract – usually one twelfth of the schedule payment limit (subject to variation during the year). See also variable monthly payment.
Statutory Charge
A charge held by the LAA over property recovered or preserved in funded civil proceedings, intended to allow the LAA to recover the costs of funding the case.
Tolerance work
A case taken on by an organisation in a category in which it did not have a QM or contract, under Access to Justice Act 1999 provisions. These were abolished under LASPO, so that you must have schedule authorisation for any work you undertake.
Transaction Criteria
An audit tool, consisting of checklists used to assess whether a file contained required information from the early days of ‘franchising’. Superseded by peer review.
Variable monthly payment
An alternative to the standard monthly payment to an organisation under contract, paid to the value of claims submitted.
Very High Cost Cases Panel
A panel of organisations accredited by the LAA to conduct VHCC crime cases. Only accredited organisations may do these cases.
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