Authors:Legal Action Group
Last updated:2023-10-20
Court fees consultations
Marc Bloomfield
Description: Lady Justice close up (Hermann Traub_Pixabay)
The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) published Revising the ‘Help with Fees’ remission scheme – protecting and enhancing access to justice: consultation response on 16 October 2023. The ‘Help with Fees’ scheme provides financial support towards court/tribunal fees for individuals on low incomes with little or no savings.
Monthly income thresholds and minimum capital thresholds will increase, and the scheme’s age cap will be raised from 61 to 66 to reflect the state pension age.
On the same day, the MoJ opened a consultation, Reforming fees in the United Kingdom Supreme Court, proposing:
a simplified fee structure; removal of the distinction between devolution jurisdiction case and civil case fees;
an increase of fees by historic inflation; and
subsequent fee reviews and uplifts every two years.
It closes on 27 November 2023.