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Legal Action Group
The access to justice charity
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Fighting for access to justice and a fair legal system for all

Description: Simon Mullings

It is with overwhelming sadness that I write this month’s editorial. I am sure that most people reading this will have heard the news about...

Description: Garden Court Chambers logo

October 2024 will see Garden Court Chambers mark 50 years since it was founded in 1974 by six young barristers recently out of pupillage.

Civil justice
Description: Grenfell Tower Inquiry phase 2 report vol 1 cover (C) Crown copyright

Fiona Bawdon looks at what the inquiry’s second report into the fire that killed 72 people tells us about the role of lawyers in the lead-up to...

Description: LAPG logo

Legal Aid Practitioners Group has developed a toolkit aimed at those who are new to managing the Legal Aid Agency’s notoriously complex civil...

Legal aid
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Latest books
Description: Legal Aid Handbook_202425_Cover
Description: Cover on the way
Description: 9781913648718
Description: NHS Law and Practice_2024_Cover
Description: Making Lawful Decisions front cover
Description: LAG_Discrimination in Housing Cover
Description: Migrant Support Handbook cover
Description: Housing Law Handbook (2022)-1_page-0001