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Description: Walthamstow ant-racist march 7 August 2024 _ Jess Hurd
Description: Fiona Bawdon - author
Fiona Bawdon (view page)
on Aug 2024
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After days of violence on the streets, immigration lawyers and advisers found themselves on a...
Description: Anti-racism placard_Pexels_Pavel Danilyuk
Description: Sue James - author
Sue James (view page)
on Aug 2024
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The summer of 2024 was overshadowed by the far right, who targeted asylum-seekers and their Home...
Description: LCCSA logo
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Aug 2024
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The London Criminal Courts Solicitors’ Association is calling on defence lawyers nationwide...
Description: Toufique Hossain at LALY24 photo Frederique Bellec
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Aug 2024
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Toufique Hossain led a string of successful legal challenges to the previous government’s now...
Description: Parliament (sedmak iStock)
Description: Sue James - author
Sue James (view page)
on Jul 2024
News and comment
When a doctor in the NHS said to me recently that the justice system has suffered worse cuts than...
Description: LAG Legal Walk team 2024
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Jun 2024
News and comment
A team from LAG was among the 18,000 people who took part in the London Legal Support Trust’s...
Description: Computer program code_Pexels_Markus Spiske
Description: Sue James - author
Sue James (view page)
on Jun 2024
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After more than 50 years as a print publication, Legal Action will be going fully digital from the...
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