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Description: Desert island

The horror of watching the Hillsborough disaster unfold live on TV has never left Cris McCurley, and witnessing the ensuing fight for justice has...

Civil justice
Description: LALY24 logo

On the day after Labour’s election victory, the social justice community gathered for its annual celebration of the work of legal aid lawyers....

Legal aid
Description: Parliament (sedmak iStock)

When a doctor in the NHS said to me recently that the justice system has suffered worse cuts than the health service, it gave me a glimmer of hope...

Civil justice
Description: Postcard from North Wales

It’s manifesto season, which prompts Katherine Adams to set out her own practical proposals for boosting the number of legal aid practitioners...

Legal aid
Description: Computer program code_Pexels_Markus Spiske

After more than 50 years as a print publication, Legal Action will be going fully digital from the September 2024 issue.

Civil justice
Description: Leicester Community Advice and Law Centre logo

The Law Centre movement is ‘the rule of law in action’, Lady Hale told guests at the launch of the newly formed Leicester Community Advice...

Civil justice
Description: North Wales Community Law logo

A lack of Welsh case law, a shortage of lawyers and ‘caution around litigating’ mean there is a growing gap in Wales between...

Civil justice
Description: Housing_blocks of flats

‘We need you!’ was the stark message to housing lawyers from Jess Turtle, co-director of the Museum of Homelessness.

Description: LAG Legal Walk team 2024

A team from LAG was among the 18,000 people who took part in the London Legal Support Trust’s 2024 London Legal Walk on 18 June 2024.

Civil justice
Description: Jury trauma headlines

Ministry of Justice proposals to offer counselling to jurors after traumatic trials are as welcome as they are overdue, says former jury foreman...

Practice and procedure
Description: Lady Justice close up (Hermann Traub_Pixabay)

Many lawyers love the glory that strategic litigation can bring, but these landmark cases are not without risk, and clients’ interests should...

Civil justice
Description: From newsroom to non-profit agency

After almost 25 years as a journalist, David Powles became chief executive of Norfolk Community Law Service in 2023. In the first of a regular series...

Civil justice