Last updated:2023-09-18
EU fundamental rights reviewed
The government has announced a consultation on the impact of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union on individuals, businesses and the public sector. The consultation is part of a series of reviews on the UK’s relationship with the European Union (EU) and its institutions.
The consultation document on fundamental rights poses 14 questions, inviting respondents to provide evidence of the impact of the charter on their interest groups. Two of the questions relate to the Fundamental Rights Agency, the EU agency which provides advice and research on the implementation of the charter.
In a press release announcing the review, Justice Minister Damian Green said: ‘This review is an important chance to make sure that evidence is gathered as part of what is the most extensive evidence based analysis of our relationship with the EU that has been undertaken.’
The deadline for responses to the consultation is 13 January 2014. A report on fundamental rights is expected to be published by the government in summer 2014.
■ Information on the ‘Balance of competences fundamental rights review’ is available at: