Last updated:2023-09-18
Handbook Launched
The official launch of the Handbook took place last night at the College of Law. The launch followed a debate on the future of legal aid where the speakers included Steve Hynes, director of the Legal Action Group, Des Hudson, chief executive of the Law Society, Carolyn Downes, chief executive of the Legal Services Commission, and Andy Slaughter MP, shadow justice minister. Many good points were raised by the speakers and from the floor by practitioners and students alike, focussing on the impact on clients and on access to justice of the government's proposed cuts. The debate was the conclusion of the College's legal practice course public legal services pathway and it was refreshing to see so many students present and committed, despite all they heard in the debate, to working in legal aid and to helping those who depend on legal aid to get justice. Our thanks to LAG for organising the launch and to the College and its students for their hospitality. You can buy the handbook from the LAG website by clicking on the image of the front cover at the top of the page.