Last updated:2023-09-18
Changes to contract compliance audits
With effect from Monday, contract compliance audits will be carried out in a different way. Instead of a standard sample of 20 files, the LSC will request between 30 and 50, depending on the size of your contract. Instead of the current system of requesting a second larger sample if there are concerns, the first sample will be the only sample which will determine the outcome of the audit. The LSC will also stop using the names category 1, 2 and 3 for audit outcomes - results will instead be expressed simply as the percentage band - less than 10%, 10% to 20%, or over 20% - but the consequences of falling into each band remain the same. The CCA page of the LSC website has a process map for audits and a document showing sample sizes for differing sizes of civil contract (criminal will always be 30).