Last updated:2023-09-18
Transforming legal aid - why do the survey?
Vicky Ling and Andrew Otterburn have been commissioned by the Law Society and MoJ to carry out a survey of firms to try to assess the impact that the government's revised proposals will have on criminal defences practices. They ask that you complete a questionnaire about your firm's financial performance under the current contract and use the figures to work out the impact the proposals could have on your firm. It will help you work out what action you may need to take between now and the start of the tender process, which is scheduled for early 2014. The data will, anonymously, be fed back to the MoJ, which will use it as part of the decision-making process when deciding how big the new contracts will be. This is your chance to do some scenario planning and influence the MoJ. You can download the quesionnaire here. Please send it back to Andrew Otterburn by 9 October.