Last updated:2023-09-18
Are you having problems with the LAA over category definitions?
We have been contacted by Noel Arnold, Director of Legal Practice of the Coram Children's Legal Centre (CCLC), to ask if practitioners would contact him if they are experiencing any difficulty concerning category definitions. Noel informs us that funding certificates are currently being refused by the LAA on the basis that CCLC does not have the right 'category of law' named in its office schedule. Historically, the LAA would grant certificates relating to assessment of need/provision of services to children by a local authority under the Family category; but now they are saying these are Community Care cases. CCLC was permitted to do this work until very recently under its Family contract and is concerned that others may be experiencing the same problem. If you are having similar issues, or want to know more, please call Noel on 020 7713 2018 or email