Last updated:2023-09-18
More transformation
The latest tranche of regulations implementing legal aid transformation changes come into effect for cases started on or after on 22nd April. These include:
Changes to the structure of family fees following the implementation of the new single family court
A cut of 10% to the fees payable in care and supervision cases
Making the following types of legal aid non-means tested:
Mediation Information and Assessment meetings (provided the other party is financially eligible)
Mediation in certain Hague Convention cases
Making payment in judicial review cases contingent on permission being granted, or on the LAA agreeing to payment in the absence of permission - see the Handbook Updates page for more.
Extending the types of evidence that qualify an applicant for family legal aid as a victim of domestic violence or child abuse (see our post) There is also a minor set of regulations extending the powers of the LAA to make enquiries into benefits received. All new regulations are on our LASPO Resources page. The residence test regulations are currently only in draft; the test is due to come into force on 4th August 2014. Update: post updated 22nd April to make clear Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings are only non-means tested where the other party has already been found to be eligible