Last updated:2023-09-18
JR payment regulations quashed
Today the High Court decided on the appropriate relief following the granting of the judicial review of the regulations making payment in JR cases conditional on permission being granted. The regulations were quashed - meaning that the amendments to the remuneration regulations which provided for conditional payment have been removed. The Lord Chancellor is reported not to be intending to appeal. This leaves the original regulations - and original payment regime - intact. The LAA hasn't yet said how it intends to implement the ruling, but it will have to introduce some mechanism for paying for cases where no claim was made, or discretionary payment refused, because of the quashed regulations. We will post when we know more. In the meantime, congratulations to the claimants - Ben Hoare Bell, Deighton Pierce Glynn, Mackintosh Law, Public Law Solicitors and Shelter - as well as their representatives the Public Law Project, Martha Spurrier and Martin Westgate QC, and the Law Society which supported the action financially. All took significant risks in bringing the case, and deserve the thanks of the profession for achieving this result.