Last updated:2023-09-18
Crime duty tender outcomes delayed for further two weeks
Bidders were to have been notified of the outcomes of their crime duty tenders "in September". The LAA has today emailed bidding firms to say that it hopes to get the results out on October 15, saying that the delay is because of "quality assurance".
Making clear our grave & significant concerns to MoJ. Delay causing huge additional stress to #legalaid defence lawyers who await bid outome — The Law Society (@TheLawSociety) October 2, 2015 Update: The MoJ has confirmed that the delay should not affect the contract start date.
New duty and own-client contracts will still commence on 11 January 2016, says @MoJGovUK #legalaid— Monidipa Fouzder (@MonidipaFouzder) October 2, 2015