Last updated:2023-09-18
Emergency applications for legal aid for JR
Following the recent announcement of the removal of devolved powers (soon to be delegated functions) for judicial review for most types of case (the main exception being homelessness cases) the LSC has published a guide to making emergency applications to it / the LAA. APP1s should be posted (marked urgent) in the usual way unless work is required within 48 hours, in which cases APP6s should be sent to one of two dedicated email addresses (for immigration and non-immigration cases). There is some provision for out of hours applications in the evenings and at weekends in immigration cases. The LAA promise to deal with applications within 48hours and appeals against refusals within 24hours. For more on the new legal aid scheme, see our LASPO Resources page, follow us on Twitter @legalaidhbk or download the Kindle edition of the new Handbook